9/11/2001 – 11/28/2018
Born on the worse day in America, Jack was a bright light to our family.
He loved to play, run in the yard, playing in the snow. His sister, Erin, read Harry Potter to him at night when she would come home from work. She would take him for rides on the Parkway and then stop for ice cream.
He would be first in the car for a road trip, loved checking out the scenery along the way.
Jack was a gentle soul, always sweet and loving but would quickly take the side of his people and fur brothers and sisters. He also took some sibling abuse from the cats who would lay on him, rub on him and sometimes beat him to the treats.
We will miss him dearly but know he’s at the Rainbow Bridge playing with his fur baby siblings who were waiting there.
He leaves behind his fur baby siblings 1 dog and 6 cats, his sisters Erin and Whitney also his mom Dianne. Thanks to Dr. Lisa Wilson for her years of loving care.
Rest well sweet boy.
Love you,