(2010–7 July 2023 in this astral sphere)
Hi, my name is Logan. I wanted to let you all know that I upgraded from this astral sphere to the highest one recently. I realize that most of you don’t know me, so I’ll tell you my story.
My mother, Akiko, gave birth to me and my siblings sometime around 2010. Mom was very young, and we were her first litter. So she got scared, and she didn’t know how to raise us. Luckily, a foster family raised us. They were able to adopt out my siblings, but I remained with them. I lived with them for a time, but they had a very annoying dog. So I said, “Peace out. I’m taking my show outside and elsewhere.”
I lived in the neighborhood for a few years. It was a hard life. Summers were hot. Winters were cold. I got into fights, of course, and my ears took a beating. That’s how I got my cute Scottish Fold look…the hard way. I was fed by various folks on my block. That’s how I met Rhonda and Roy. It turned out that they adopted my Mom Akiko sometime after I was born, so they already knew about me. I visited their place to eat good food…you know, the more expensive gourmet stuff. I’d visit R-and-R often. They have a nice place…I mean, even my Mom lives there. Though they tried to adopt me during those years, I said, “Well, thanks and all, but I’m gonna do my own Logan-ing.”
Then one day, about four years ago, I said to myself, “I’m retiring from street life.” So I decided to live with Rhonda and Roy. As I said before, they have a nice place, and my Mom lives there, as well as Vincent, my feline colleague. R-and-R gave me “the works” soon after. A visit to the vet, a checkup, vaccinations, an ID microchip, and my bad teeth pulled. I felt so much better. My teeth were no longer causing me pain. I forgot to tell R-and-R that I was already fixed. Someone, I don’t know their name, took me in for that operation sometime before. They were surprised when the vet told them, “He’s fixed, so we don’t have to worry about that.”
Indoor life with humans is different. I told Rhonda and Roy about my “No Hugs Given” policy. They understood, but they were able to steal hugs from me anyway. Rhonda and Roy had to learn my language as well. Most of the time I didn’t need to say anything. I would just glare-and-stare. My glare-and-stare is so intense that Rhonda can sense it at the back of her head, so she turns around and knows either (a) “I want food,” and/or (b) “I want to go outside.” I talk to Roy in a more vocal way. I start “twittering,” “burbing”, and/or “humming on my harmonica,” as he calls it, to let me go outside. I never bother Roy for food. I bother Rhonda for my dining needs.
It was, however, a brand new life. I got my kitten-youth back. I learned to play again. Strings and laser pointers are my favorites. I started bathing again after meals. I even used the litter box…much to the chagrin of R-and-R. “Why don’t you go outside, like before,” they asked. I answered, “Indoor plumbing is pretty awesome. I like it, so I use it.”
I started doing things I thought I would never do: sleeping on soft beds, lap-sitting on Rhonda on occasion, and hanging out with my Mom, Vincent, and Roy. I began new hobbies, such as laying in the flower bed at the west end of my front yard, scaring delivery people, lounging on the front porch, and laying in the flower bed at the east end of my front yard.
I’m not much of a mouser. My main job at the house is outside daytime security against errant dogs, protecting Rhonda while she works in her flower beds, and escorting Rhonda or Roy to the front door when they arrive home. I still laugh at the time when a person walking their dogs strode by. I was out front. The dogs, of course, took notice of me. Their human told them, “Come on…that looks like someone you don’t want to bother with.” They walked on. 🙂
My Likes and Dislikes?
I like food and pursuing my hobbies. My favorite movie is “Logan,” the one starring Hugh Jackman, of course. I also like the films of Japanese actress Setsuko Hara. Did you know that my Mom is named after Hara’s character in Yasujiro Ozu’s film “Late Autumn?” My favorite music? Well, I do like the group Tokyo Happy Coats. Rhonda got me into Bob Dylan. He’s pretty good.
My dislikes…I hate when Rhonda, Roy, and others steal hugs from me. They forget…“No Hugs Given!” I hate getting my claws trimmed. That’s about all my dislikes.
One thought for everyone reading this: I know I look like I ate all the orange sherbert, but trust me, I left all of you some.
Joking aside, there’s a few people and felines I want to thank…
First, I thank my foster family for raising me soon after I was born. You were able to do the thing my Mom was not ready to do. Even though you had an annoying dog, I am still grateful.
I thank the unknown person who took me to get fixed. You improved my quality of life.
I thank my veterinarians and their staff for providing all the medical care I received. You gave me comfort and health I did not expect to have.
Thank you, Vincent, my brown tabby feline friend. We got on each other’s nerves sometimes, but I appreciate our companionship. Please help Mom in looking after Rhonda and Roy. Love ya man.
I thank you Mom (Akiko). You gave me my start, and you did the best you could in those early days. I know…we are sad I’m going first, but I am happy we got to live and share time together. I love you.
Finally, thank you Rhonda and Roy. You gave me a new home and a new life. I’m happy I chose you both. I am glad we shared trying, sad, funny, and happy times. You gave me my collar that tells us life is good. Try not to forget that. Life *continues* to be good. I love you both.
A few parting words. I know my transition is sad. I am sad too. I will think of you. You will think of me. We’ll laugh and cry over memories we share. We won’t see each other again for some time. We’ll catch glimpses of each other in our dreams until then. When we do meet again, you’ll know where to find me. I’ll be in the flower bed “humming on my harmonica.” 🙂
With love and gratitude I remain yours always,
Logan is survived by his “grandhumans” Rhonda Bratton and Roy Baugher, his mother Akiko, and friend Vincent.