Zipper Ann O’Conner passed away on Saturday, February 9. She was 14 years old. She was career changed from Saint Francis Service Dogs as a young puppy and we adopted her immediately. She shared her home with many other Saint Francis fosters thru the years. She loved her human brother Cameron and sister Kaylee beyond measure.
Dear Zipper,
I have never met a dog that loved food and your family the way you did! You kept us laughing every day. When your legs became weak we bought a wagon so we could still pull you on walks and it made you happy. You would gently remind us at 6 am and 5 pm to feed you. You took mealtime seriously and never missed one! You were the perfect dog. While we are grateful for every single day we had with you its sad to live life without you. Our lives will never be the same. I know I will see you again but until then I’m counting on you to be our guardian angel.
“If love alone could have kept you here you would have lived forever.”