19 years with you wasn’t enough.
How can we possibly put into words 19 years of memories?
From the time that I saw you at the adoption center, I knew that you would be ours, but I could not have imagined that we would be so blessed to share our lives with you for so long.
You truly were our baby, our child, our best friend, our joy.
As we now fondly reflect on so many memories, holding you up to catch moths, letting you outside to sit and roll around in the sunshine, you looking back at us to make sure that we were following you downstairs for a meal, us sneaking to go outside because we knew that if we went without you or were out of your sight you would be upset, you sleeping with us every single night and fitting perfectly in the side of my arm, greeting us each morning and evening and those few times that I was fortunate enough to receive a head rub or head bop from you.
You truly were our cat and our cat only. Others did not understand the love that you had only for us, as no one else was allowed by you to touch, hold, or pet you. You loved us and us alone.
Our hearts are broken as we try to imagine life without you we know that it will never be the same.
You will forever be missed by your mom and dad.